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Talk:Set (mathematics)

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February 19, 2008Peer reviewReviewed

More griping about the lead


While I'm at it, the lead has a more serious problem. Try to imagine an average high school student attempting to understand this. We start with "A set is the mathematical model for a collection of different things." Clicking on mathematical model, we read "A mathematical model is an abstract description of a concrete system using mathematical concepts and language." WTF? At this point our average student gives up, and yet the concept of "set" is one of the simplest to explain and an average primary school student can understand it. Now read it again carefully: this sentence says that a set of integers is not actually a collection of integers but a mathematical model of a collection of integers. Ridiculous! What the lead should start with is "A set is the mathematical concept corresponding to a collection of distinct things". Then it can continue with examples, including examples of sets of everyday objects. McKay (talk) 01:32, 15 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I agree to omit "mathematical model for". The article mathematical model seems to apply to e.g. sets of differential equations modelling climate, and is not too appropriate here. As for "things", this is discussed in section #The lead of this article. - Jochen Burghardt (talk) 18:01, 16 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I agree that, here "mathematical model" is pure pedantry for saying that, in mathematics, the concept of a set is a mathematical abstraction of the concept of a collection. Even the latter formulation must be avoided here, since the concept of abstraction is philosophy, not mathematics. So, I have changed the first sentence into
In mathematics, a set is a collection of different things; these things are called elements or members of the set and are typically mathematical objects of any kind: ...
The addition of the word "typically" allows avoiding the philosophical question of whether one can talk of a set of cows. I have revrted also the order, in the first paragraph, between infinite sets, singletons and teh empty set (set theory would not exist without infinite sets). D.Lazard (talk) 16:38, 18 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]
You do not need to say a set is a mathematical model for anything. What you can say is that a set is a collection of mathematical objects (such as numbers, points in the plane, triangles, other sets, etc.). I believe that saying using examples like "the set of colors of the rainbow" or "the set of former presidents of the United States", puts students on a path of confusion that results in them never having an understanding of sets in the way mathematicians think about them, unless and until they shake off all the sloppy things they were taught. Also, the lead definition of a "set" as a "collection of objects" is incorrect. In set theory, a collection of objects is called a *class* -- while a set is a collection of objects that is also itself an object. Some years ago, as I recall, this article said that. I have observed, however, that there has been a general decline in the technical quality of Wikipedia articles on mathematical topics, including this one. 2600:1700:3C55:F800:C88F:489A:24AC:8357 (talk) 20:28, 20 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Non-distinct elements


I was once chastised for thinking a set could contain duplicated elements, e.g. something like {2,2,3}. Those elements are the prime factorization of 12, and if it makes sense for them to be a set, that would be useful.
E.g., the least common denominator of two integers is simply (the product of the elements of) the intersection of their prime factorization "sets", and the product of two integers is (the product of the elements of) the union of their prime factorization "sets".

Can that be salvaged in any way?

BMJ-pdx (talk) 03:46, 28 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

See Multiset. D.Lazard (talk) 07:49, 28 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Absence of interval notation


I added a section for § Interval notation. I am shocked that this article did not contain a single word about it even though I learned semantic, roster, interval, and set-builder notations in middle school. The main article about intervals even links to this article in its opening sentence that defines the term interval. Its notation deserves to be mentioned here.

I am not sure where to place the section on this page. The pre-existing sections for notations appear to be in alphabetical order, but I thought an unregistered editor like myself placing interval notation as the first in the list could be interpreted as inappropriate or disruptive. Editors who are more experienced than me would know better where to place it. (talk) 05:23, 24 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I mean, I don't strictly see the problem: this article is about all sets, while Interval (mathematics) is about intervals specifically. Is there a ton of value in essentially duplicating information on that page here? Remsense ‥  05:24, 24 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
What do you say to all the other sections that have a Main article hatnote and already duplicate and summarize their relevant points? Will you be defining enumeration, or is the word interval less commonly familiar to readers? Only one sentence would have to be added to articulate a mathematical definition as other sections demonstrate. There was absolutely no mention of intervals or its notation, a notation of a type of set, on this page about sets. I, in fact, arrived here after a web search for a description of the inclusive set that uses square brackets. It directed me not to either the page that describes set notation or that describes intervals but to Bracket (mathematics), a page about about symbology, where that page gives a full 2nd-level heading to the topic of intervals that reminded me that the notation is used by a type of set called an "interval" and led me to find my way, finally, to this page that lists types of set notations. This page mentioned nothing. (talk) 06:54, 24 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Intervals are only defined for sets with orderings, for example the reals. Discussion of intervals belongs in articles on mathematical order, where they are in fact discussed. --Macrakis (talk) 07:34, 24 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Is the empty set really a set?


If we take the definition of a set as "a collection of elements" it means that there is a contradiction, since the empty set is not a collection of elements because it has nothing. So, would it really be a set or are sets poorly defined?

A set should be: "A selection criterion for the elements that make up a collection" Greeme3 (talk) 21:19, 13 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

@Greeme3: At the top of the article there's a note stating that the article is about "intuitive" or "naive" set theory, and contrasting that with rigorous axiomatic set theory. Rigorous axiomatic aet theory does not depend on such vague descriptions as "a set is a collection of things", and the wording you object to is a general description aimed at giving a feel for what set theory is about, rather than a definition. Unfortunately, everyday language doesn't have a word which normally refers to either a bunch of things or a bunchless absence of things, so in order to provide a description which is reasonably accessible to anyone without an advanced knowledge of the subject, it is necessary to adapt a word or expression to fit the circumstances, and extending the use of "collection" to include an empty collection is a way of doing that. Your suggestion is really no better, because if one requires the word "collection" to be used only for a collection which does actually contain some elements (as you do) then "the elements that make up a collection" can't apply to the empty set, because if there aren't any elements then there is nothing to "make up a collection". Add to that the fact that describing a set as a "selection criterion" rather than as a collection of things is less intuitive, and your suggested alternative is probably worse.
It would be perfectly possible to use some form of words describing a set as something along the lines of either a collection of things or else a nothingness, or, in the spirit of your suggestion, a selection criterion which may or may not produce elements of a collection, but for an informal introduction to the subject it would just make the description more confusing, and for a rigorous axiomatic treatment it is unnecessary, as axiomatic set theory doesn't define a set as a "collection of things" anyway. JBW (talk) 22:04, 13 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]



@Jochen Burghardt you undid my restructuring which is fair, I was on the bolder side. The current state at 15 main sections (definition until history) is way too much. I am basing this claim in comparison to peer reviewed articles such as field, 1, derivative etc. And at 3500 words short the many sections give this article a non-encyclopedia ring to it. Im positive you too see this issue.

As for HOW we might restructure it I thought of bundling them together under one section called properties. You mentioned that bijection should be defined before cardinality (which is fair), so (because the section is so short) I moved it under definition. Here's what I have:

1 Definition and notation
1.1 Roster notation
1.1.1 Infinite sets in roster notation
1.2 Semantic definition
1.3 Set-builder notation
1.4 Classifying methods of definition
1.5 Functions
2 Properties
2.1 Membership and cardinality
2.1.1 The empty set
2.1.2 Singleton sets
2.1.3 Power sets
2.1.4 Infinite sets and infinite cardinality
2.1.5 The continuum hypothesis
2.2 Basic operations
2.2.1 Principle of inclusion and exclusion
2.3 Subsets
2.4 Special sets of numbers in mathematics
2.5 Partition
3 Euler and Venn diagrams
4 Applications
5 History

Honestly we should remove the very short subsections and integrate into its supersection[?] such as empty set, singleton etc.

What I am dissatisfied with is, even with the current state, is the early placement of the continuum hypothesis. This is way beyond the purpose of properties and should be mentioned after euler diagram. Toukouyori Mimoto (talk) 15:43, 22 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]

At a glance this all seems reasonable to me. Paul August 18:16, 22 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I have formatted your table of content for easier reading.
This table of content is not exactly the current one, but do not correspond exactly to your above suggestion (supression of short sections). So, I suggest the following structure
1 Definitions
1.1 Specification by enumeration or by a property
Empty set and singletons belong to this section
Roster notation must described, but details must be left to the "main article"
1.2 Operations inside sets
Membership, subsets, inclusion, intersection, etc.
2 Operation on sets
Disjoint union, Cartesian product, set exponentiation, powerset
3 Cardinality
3.1 Comparizon of cardinalities
It is here that the definitions of injections, surgections, and bijections must be linked and shortly recalled
3.2 Finite sets
Inclusion-exclusion principle and Pigeonhole principle can be stated here
3.3 Infinite sets
Existence, countability, continuum, etc
4 Graphical representation
Euler and Venn diagrams, number line
5 History
D.Lazard (talk) 18:19, 22 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
While I agree the number of sections could be reduced, I find it diffucult to come up with a structure immediately. However, each notion should be defined before its first use.
Moreover, since set theory is the most common foundation of mathematics, I'm in favor of demonstrating its formal rigour throughout the article. For example, I'd indicate that the notions of function, injectivity, surjectivity, and bijectivity are usually defined based on sets; this would mean mentioning the (Kuratowski) definition of ordered pair, cartesian product, and relation before them. (In the current article, and seemingly in both Toukouyori Mimoto's and D.Lazard's structure suggestion, the function notion is presented just informally as something external. This might be ok for other articles, to reduce their complexity, but in the set article, it misleads the reader to think "Well, math isn't just based solely on sets, it uses functions as another notion for its foundation".)
Why not start from the structure of a good set theory textbook? E.g. Halmos uses this structure: axiom of extensionality, axiom scheme of specification, pair sets, unions and intersections, complements and power sets, ordered pairs, relations, functions, families of sets, inverse mappings and compositions, numbers, Peano axioms, arithmetic, orderings, axiom of choice, Zorn's lemma, wellorderings, transfinite recursion, ordinal numbers, sets of ordinal numbers, ordinal arithmetic, Schröder-Bernstein theorem, countable sets, cardinal arithmetic, cardinal numbers [my ad-hoc translation of sections title from the German edition]. We could omit some of the later sections, join or split some of the sections, or reorder some of them (provided definition-before-use is guaranteed), but I think it is a good structure to start with. I also looked at Kamke, but he devotes only a few pages to introductory stuff and mainly focuses on cardinal and ordinal arithmetic. - Jochen Burghardt (talk) 11:00, 24 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Wikipedia is not a textbook, and using a a textbook structure is generally not a good idea. Here, we have three strongly related articles: Set (mathematics), Set theory and Naive set theory. Using Halmos's structure would require to merge these three article, or, at least to have too much WP:content fork between them. I am not in favor of a merge.
My understanding is that this article must focus on what is needed to understand the common usage of sets in mathematical articles. So, axioms must be mentioned only when necessary; for example, it must be said the the definition of powersets, infinite products and set exponentiation require the axiom of choice. Similarly, functions and relations are detailed in separate articles, and are needed here for comparing cardinalities. So, the section on cardinality comparison, may begin with "For comparing cardinalities, we need the concept of injective function that is defined as follows".
Also, pedantry must be avoided. This is why I uses "Specification by enumeration or by a property" is a section title, instead of "axiom of extensionality, axiom scheme of specification". The fact that these ways of specifications are formalized with these axioms does not belong to this article, although if may be said that their formalization are called axiom of extensionality and axiom of specification.
In summary, I disagree with your suggestions. D.Lazard (talk) 12:46, 24 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I agree. Paul August 15:43, 24 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with your structure of placeing operations inside sets in the definitions before operations on sets. I accept this as a blueprint for improvment. But I noticed youd left out the special sets of numbers. I assume this will be defined in 1.1 and then used in 3.3 did I get that right? Im not sure if applications was forgotten but we should keep it and list a handfull of cases when sets are directly involved in other disciplines. The immediate example is the relationship between logic and sets. There may still be more to add once the primary sections are complete, I suggest a mention of ordinals after cardinalitty. Toukouyori Mimoto (talk) 15:31, 25 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Section § Special sets of numbers in mathematics has many issues. My opinion is that it does not belong to this article. However, it is not harmful to keep it until the other sections will be correct. So I suggest to delay the discussion of this section.
For the moment, my feeling that there is a rough consensus on the structure. So, the first task it to write the sections that have been listed. It is by doing this that one can see how to improve the structure and the content of the article.
The best way for rewrite the article is to proceed incrementally: adding one of the suggested sections without taking care whether its content duplicates parts of the existing content; discuss here the new section; then remove the old content that has been duplicated; then passes to another section. Such an edition scheme allows collaborative editing without too much harm for readers. D.Lazard (talk) 16:29, 25 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, agreed. Toukouyori Mimoto (talk) 16:46, 25 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Seems reasonable Paul August 16:46, 25 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Agreed.   [ D.Lazard convinced me not to use a textbook structure. I assume, we all will pay attention to define (or link) concepts before use. When a concept isn't defined in detail (like e.g. ordered pair, I guess), I'd still suggest to clearly indicate that it can be defined rigorously from the previously introduced comcepts — maybe it is sufficient to state this once and for all at the end of the lead.]   I don't really understand the distinction between 1.2 and 2; e.g. would union be in 1.2 (like intersection), or in 2 (line disjoint union), and why? - Jochen Burghardt (talk) 17:37, 25 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
"Union" is an operation inside a given set. Disjoint union creates a new set. This is an opeation on sets that is the dual of the Cartesian product, and is the analogue for sets as the direct sum for vector spaces. D.Lazard (talk) 20:47, 25 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Like D Lazard said, this article is about ser the object, not set theory. It is important to discuss sets in and of themselves first. Going more broadly into set theory is secondary. I think mathematics articles shouldnr, unlike history or social sciences, have background information to build up to somethingg. Thus we should mention the axioms somewhere later after all basic definitions are through. A more appropriate structure is L&L's Gale encyclopedia of science in article set theory: definitions, properties, operations, application of set theoru. This resembles D Lazard's structure. Toukouyori Mimoto (talk) 15:39, 25 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]



While trying to improve the lead, I was faced with the fact that its second paragraph was not sufficient for explaining the importance of the subject. Trying to expand it in view of this purpos, it appears soon that there was to much to say for the limited size of a lead. This is the motivation for the new section § Context, which is intended to be the analogue of sections "Motivation" that appear in many elementary articles.

This is a first version and improvements are welcome. D.Lazard (talk) 10:44, 30 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Good idea. However, the current version of section "Context" doesn't yet explain why sets were studied; this reason should be sketched first.
I vaguely remember that the need for a rigorous foundation of mathematics was a result of earlier paradoxes or disputes (e.g. about diverging infinite sums like and different attempts to compute their value). Sets were a good candidate for a foundational framework as they seemed to be simple to understand (subtleties about infinite cardinalities etc. weren't yet known then), and their properties appeared to be immediately obvious (as good axioms should be). On the other hand they allowed one to build up step by step the whole mathematical universe (maybe this was first demonstrated by Cantor?).
I'd like to have some motivation along these lines (my memories certainly need to be corrected by a proper expert) either in section "Context", or in section "History" (or maybe both sections should be joined, anyway?). - Jochen Burghardt (talk) 12:58, 30 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
the current version of section "Context" doesn't yet explain why sets were studied; this reason should be sketched first. Sketching these reasons would need more historical knowledge than I have. My impression is that one of the first explicit use of infinite sets was Dedekind's construction of real numbers as Dedekind cuts. More generally, a significant part of the work of mathematicians of the 19th century was to provide rigorous bases to infinitesimal and integral calculus. This implies to consider arbitrary series, which have an infinite set of coefficients. It is noteworthy that Cantor is generally credited of the definition of real numbers through Cauchy sequences, and this may explain why he studied infinite sets.
However, § Context must be placed near the lead; this implies to avoid as much as possible technicalities that many interested readers may not know. What I wrote above requires some knowledge of analysis, and can hardly be included in this section. D.Lazard (talk) 13:32, 30 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Id prefer it if context is placed near the end. Putting it before the definition will confuse readers, especially since the section discuss infinite sets without having defined what a set is, let alone an infinite set. (I know she can read the definition from the abstract but as per academic convention we must start from 0 after the abstract.) For now I cant find any reviewed article exept for log that has a motivation but from a quick read this has some overlap with the history. Ill look more into this soon later. PS what source are you using to write this section? Toukouyori Mimoto (talk) 22:39, 30 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Sets are defined in the first sentence of the lead, and this seems sufficient to understand the section § Context. However I have added a definition of infinite sets.
About the place of the section: In MOS:MATH#Article introduction, one can read The purpose of the lead is to [...] provide context regarding the subject. In MOS:LEAD, one can read The lead [...] establish context, explain why the topic is notable [...]. So, section § Context should be included in the introduction if it could be made short enough; as, if shortened, the section would not be understandable by most readers, its place must be just after the introduction.
Also, Wikipedia is not a textbook. So the traditional organization of textbooks is not adapted. One may suppose that most readers have already some knowledge of sets, and that many of them may be more interested by the reason for which sets appear everywhere in mathematics rather than by learning how to use sets. This is a further reason for placing the context at the beginning. D.Lazard (talk) 11:06, 31 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I do agree the abstract should summarise all of the body including context, application, and history. Its that section context renders parts of the application and history redundant. The first para of context is novel and should be kept or moved up. But then Cantor and Russel and ZF details content that is already (or should be) in history. Then the applications can be moved to its section and summarised in the abstract.
As far as I understand you created this section because you saw it become too large in writing the intro. And You agree to move it back to the intro once trimmed if I understand correctly. I think it is not impossible to trim it such that it isnt too simplistic. Reviewed articles like arithmetic (even more ubiquitous than sets) can spend 2 para to explain the application and history. Though with 2 paras we must also expand the 1st to keep the proportion right. But we ought to focus on expanding the body (3k words is too short for such an important object) and write the intro last (I think thats a universal academic tip). For now I have this:
Before the end of the 19th century, sets were not studied specifically, and were not clearly distinguished from sequences. The mathematical study of sets began with Georg Cantor (1845–1918). This first provided some counterintuitive facts and paradoxes. For example, the number line has an infinite number of elements that is strictly larger than the infinite number of natural numbers, and any line segment has the same number of elements as the whole space. Also, Russel's paradox implies that the phrase "the set of all sets" is self-contradictory. Together with other counterintuitive results, this led to the foundational crisis of mathematics, which was eventually resolved with the general adoption of axiomatic set theory. Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory as a robust foundation of set theory and all mathematics.
Meanwhile, sets started to be widely used in all mathematics. In particular, algebraic structures and mathematical spaces are typically defined in terms of sets. Also, many older mathematical results are restated in terms of sets. For example, Euclid's theorem is often stated as "the set of the prime numbers is infinite". This wide use of sets in mathematics was prophesied by David Hilbert when saying: "No one will drive us from the paradise which Cantor created for us." However, he not imagined probably that sets are nowadays taught in the first grades of mathematics. Toukouyori Mimoto (talk) 16:41, 31 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I did not check the exact difference between your version and the current one, but it seems the main difference is to remove the consideration on infinity. IMO, this is not a good idea, because the importance of sets in all mathematics lies essentially because they allow a safe treatment of infinity. Nevertheless, I agree with you that we must upgrade the body of the article before discussing the lead, § Context, and whether they must merged or moved.
By the way, I must apologize: In a recent revert summary, I wrote "a function is not a set"; this is true but out of context, since, you added "function" to the list of possible set members. Nevertheless, the addition of "functions" to the list is not a good idea for other reasons: firstly, the list is long enough; secondly, sets of functions are generaly not yet be encountered by people for which the article may be useful. D.Lazard (talk) 18:05, 31 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I know sets of functions are uncommon. I just read that in the book and wanted to add. If the rarity is a neutrality issue I can change this. Toukouyori Mimoto (talk) 13:44, 1 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Note on formal definition


I reverted the following sentence that has beem recently added to section § Definition: "The above is not a formal definition but an explanation of sets. A definition is a statement about an idea and how that idea fits as a species to another, more generic idea. The set, however, is an intuitive idea too broad in mathematics and logic to be defined formally". Here are the reasons

  • The third sentence asserts implicitly and wrongly that Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory is not a formal definition of sets.
  • The second sentence is a definition of the philosophical concept of definition that is related to, and different of the mathematical concept of a definition. In any case this section is not the place for defining what is a definition.
  • It is nonsensical to say that the preceding paragraph is not a formal definition, when the paragraph is not presented as a definition. It says only what sets are.
  • For making a formal definition from the first paragraph, it suffice to describe formally which properties define sets. This is the subject of Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory, and it is much too technical for this article.
  • The difficulty of formally defining sets is explained in § Context.

D.Lazard (talk) 18:29, 16 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

ZF (at least in first-order logic) is not in fact a definition of sets, much less a formal one. --Trovatore (talk) 19:24, 16 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
As far as I know, ZF is based on higher-order logic. However, formalized set theories are not the subject of this article. D.Lazard (talk) 20:57, 16 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
This is a bit subtle. Zermelo's original axiomatization, as I understand it, was intended (we would say in retrospect) to be interpreted in second-order logic, with the axiom of separation to be understood as applying to any predicate over sets. With that interpretation, ZF is categorical up to the first inaccessible cardinal. In particular Zermelo set theory (you don't even need the Fraenkel part, which is the addition of the axiom of replacement) determines the truth value of the continuum hypothesis (though we don't know which way).
However, today, the initialism ZF is generally understood to refer to a first-order theory, where the axiom schemas of separation and replacement apply to some first-order formula defining the subset or the function. With that understanding, it is a first-order theory, and definitely does not fix the meaning of "set". --Trovatore (talk) 21:37, 16 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Imo, the concept of a set cannot be defined in a strict sense; however, it can be characterized axiomatically. By analogy, Euclid in his Elements gave "definitions" of point, line, etc. which nowadays are considered obsolete; nevertheless, Euclidean geometry, based on Hilbert's axioms, is strictly formal. Every system of concepts satisfying the axioms is an admissble one, and implies all theorems of Euclidean geometry. As a consequence, I suggest to avoid the term "definition of (the concept of) sets" in the article, or even to state that no such definition can exist when sets are used as the foundation of mathematics. - Jochen Burghardt (talk) 21:33, 16 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
The concept of set cannot be categorized axiomatically in first-order logic. However I agree that avoiding the word "definition" is probably best (and in fact I edited the article to change the heading and remove the word). I do not agree with stating that no definition can exist; that depends on what you mean by "definition", and the article must not take sides in favor of formalism. --Trovatore (talk) 21:39, 16 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I have renamed the section as § Definitions since "concept" in a heading seems useless pedantry. The reason for the plural is the following: The section contains several definitions ("belonging", empty set, finite set, singleton, ...). So, the plural leaves ambiguous whether the first paragraph is a definition or not. It is harmless whether some readers interpret the first paragraph as a definition and purists interpret it as not being a definition. This is an elementaty article, and not a place for splitting hairs. The important thing is to not having wrong assertions in the text. D.Lazard (talk) 22:09, 16 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I'm open to a different word than "concept". I just think we should get rid of "definition". We don't need it, and it causes trouble, so let's lose it. --Trovatore (talk) 22:12, 16 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
How about "Basic notions"? --Trovatore (talk) 22:13, 16 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I do not understand which trouble is caused by the use of "definition" in the heading. The lead of Definition contains In mathematics, a definition is used to give a precise meaning to a new term, by describing a condition which unambiguously qualifies what the mathematical term is and is not. If one removes explanatory terms from beginning of § Definition, one gets essentially "A set has members and is uniquely defined by the members it has. The members of a set are stipulated either by listing them or by a property that must be satisfied by the members of the set and must not be satisfied by anything else." This satisfies the above quoted definition of "definition". Also, a fundamental difference between "explanation" and "mathematical definition" is that an explanation does not allow working with the concept, while a definition allows working. Here § Definition allows clearly working with sets.
However I know that there is philosophical debate whether Peano axioms define the natural numbers or Hilberts axioms define points, lines and planes. For this reason I agree with Jochen Burghardt to not use "definition" in the body of the article and to leave readers decide whether the beginning of the section is a definition or not. This is for this reason also that the first paragraph is presented a description of what sets are rather than a true definition. However, removing "definition" from the heading would be confusing for all readers who ignore these subtilities (almost all, I guess), and search for a definition. D.Lazard (talk) 18:18, 17 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I don't think readers have a reasonable expectation that such an article is going to contain the exact word "definition". If they do have an (unreasonable) expectation, I don't see it as a good strategy for us to reinforce it. --Trovatore (talk) 20:04, 17 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I accept the title definitions. Although the paragraph that follows is a not a formal definition (because of the specific/generic argument presented) it is acceptable as an explanation (informal definition) to work with. The article should state that it is not a formal definition. Toukouyori Mimoto (talk) 17:29, 18 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Neither ZF or any axioms are definitions of sets. Im taking Euclid as an example. His axioms are realisations of straight lines but do not define what they are. We know from his axioms that a straight line segment can be constructed from point to point, that it can be extended, and the condition for parallel straight lines. Those are all basic properties but there still lacks a definition (what is a "line" and when is it "straight"?). I took the third sentence almost directly from the source (changed wording), so I am unsure why wikipedia cannot reflect on reputable encyclopedias.
As for the statement itself many other articles about broad things (maths itself, arithmetic, philosphy...) have similar statements that what is presented isnt a universally agreed definition. Thus I think that this article should be more broad and also cover the obstacles in defining sets and not be too shallow like beginners textbooks. I dont understand what contradiction you see in your point 3. If the section is titled definition, then the immediate paragraph is presented as a definition. And again I took the statement that the preceding paragraph is not a definition directly from the source. Toukouyori Mimoto (talk) 17:00, 18 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Correction: I am making a distinction here between formal and informal definition. I accept "collection of different things" as a(n informal) definition. The problem here is that it is no formal definition (what is "collection"?). Toukouyori Mimoto (talk) 17:06, 18 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Again, in the article, "collection" is not a part of the definition; it is here to explain what is set. If one removes explanations, one gets A set has members and is uniquely defined by the members it has. The members of a set are stipulated either by listing them or by a property that must be satisfied by the members of the set and must be not satisfied by anything else. This is a perfect formal definition. The fact that one requires to specify what is a property and which logical properties are allowed is outside the scope of this article. D.Lazard (talk) 17:34, 18 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Although I now realised that that there IS technically a more generic thing that sets are species of: all sets are mathematical objects. But the explanation plus my original note follow almost the same course as the source.
"An aggregate, totality, collection of any objects whatever, called its elements, which have a common characteristic property. ... This is not in a true sense a logical definition of the notion of a set, rather it is just an explanation"
I know not to always follow authority but wikipedia (according to the few rules I know) should reflect on what other sources say. Toukouyori Mimoto (talk) 17:52, 18 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
This is getting a little away from problem at hand, I think. I propose to rename the section "Basic notions" or something similar, which simply avoids the problem altogether. Is there a reason I should not do that? Again, I do not think that readers searching for the word "definition" is a particularly convincing obstacle to the plan. --Trovatore (talk) 17:54, 18 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
The original problem at hand was whether or not to include the notice about formal definition. I accept either plural definitions (in the sense of informal definition plus the other definitions) basic notions. Toukouyori Mimoto (talk) 17:58, 19 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Your source is in a wiki, and can not be accepted as a reliable source per WP:SPS. Moreover, the fact that there is no formal definition of sets is an opinion of the author that is not supported by any serious discussion. In any case, in WP, such an opinion must be explicitly attributed to a notable specialist. This is not the case here. D.Lazard (talk) 18:19, 19 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Look, if we don't use the word "definition", then we don't have to digress on this issue of whether we're giving a definition. I have not yet heard any good reason to use the word "definition". Please, both of you, don't invent problems when we don't have them. I'm going to change it to "basic notions". --Trovatore (talk) 19:41, 19 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I meant to say I accept either plural definitions OR basic notions. I apologise for the confusion. Toukouyori Mimoto (talk) 16:08, 20 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
encyclopediaofmath.org is no ordinary wiki so that SPS does not apply. I looked carefully at WikiProject Mathematics/Reference resources and it says "As of 2011, the site has been converted to a wiki so new material can be added; Springer's board of editors will maintain quality." Plus it also says "Should be regarded as a highly reliable source." The FACT that there is no formal definition of sets is not being presened as an opinion in the source.
But I will halt the discussion about the deleted para here and we cn discuss this later when I find more sources to support this clain. This is just the beginning of my (and yours) weeks long project to improve this article. And if we enter into further disagreements then I can only hope that future discussions wont be as drawn out as this. Toukouyori Mimoto (talk) 16:27, 20 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
OK, Prof Lazard, please explain why you find it so important to use the exact word "definition" here. It kind of seems like you're objecting to Mimoto's objection, rather than to the language itself. If that is the case, please have the argument with Mimoto on one of your user talk pages.
The only objection you've given is that readers may be searching for the exact word "definition". I can't take that objection particularly seriously. Yes, it may occasionally happen, but we do not include a section called "definition" or "definitions" in any systematic way, and I don't see why we need one here. If we don't have it, the whole problem goes away. --Trovatore (talk) 21:10, 19 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
As a compromise, what about Informal definition as the section title, and inserting D.Lazard's above quote (in green: "A set has members ... by anything else") in the section? The quote can bee seen as an informal circumscription of some ZFC axioms. As a second suggestion that could be discussed separately, we could add a sentence like "Several strictly formal treatments of set theory are available, the most popular [or some weaker praise] being ZFC" at the end of the section, or even down in the History section. - Jochen Burghardt (talk) 14:44, 20 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I still have not understood why we should have the word "definition" at all. What active purpose does it serve? If it serves no active good, but clearly has the potential to raise issues we don't want to discuss, then we should get rid of it. --Trovatore (talk) 17:59, 20 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

The above discussion shows that it is useful to clarify in the article that the first pargraph of the section is not a true definition. However the reverted paragraph is controversial and, IMO, was misplaced. Therefore, I added a subsection § Toward a formal definition in view of this needed clarification. D.Lazard (talk) 18:15, 21 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

I'm sorry, I do not think this is appropriate in this article. It tends to muddle the distinction between the definition of an individual set and the definition of the notion of set, and then it suggests (problematically) that it is possible to define the notion of set via a formal theory. We aren't going to discuss these issues in detail here here, and I don't think it's helpful to introduce them vaguely. --Trovatore (talk) 23:11, 21 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]